We need you to plug in to these ministries at Newday. Let us know where you can help by emailing Pastor Lisa.
What is Miniventure?
Miniventure is an irresistible, safe space for Newday’s “minis” (birth through age 4). Our littlest Newdayers, accompanied by a parent, begin their life-long, personal adventure with Jesus through hands-on experiences and immersive Bible teaching.
What would I do if I say yes to Miniventure?
Serve opportunities include set-up, welcoming parents and minis, overseeing hands-on stations, teaching the Bible story, and tear-down. Training provided.
How much time is involved?
Average serve time is two hours on Saturday morning, approximately 9:30 – 11:30
Who would I report to?
Those serving in Miniventure report to Pastor Anika.
KidsMin God Squad
What is KIDSMIN God Squad?
KIDSMIN God Squad prepares our KIDSMIN environments for our youngest generation to experience a safe and irresistible Saturday morning.
What would I do if I say yes to KIDSMIN God Squad?
Serve opportunities include rolling carts to the appropriate location, placing KIDSMIN signs at designated locations, unlocking classroom space for Kidventure/Miniventure and setting up AV technology for Kids Worship.
How much time is involved?
Average serve time is one hour on Saturday morning, approximately 9:00 – 9:30 am and 12:30 – 1:00 pm.
Who would I report to?
Those serving on KIDSMIN God Squad report to Pastor Anika.
God Squad Strike Down
What is God Squad Strike Down?
God Squad Strike Down is a new team that serves by finalizing Newday’s use of our worship environment each Saturday by stacking chairs in the sanctuary after worship and rolling the stacks into the storage room.
What would I do if I say yes to God Squad Strike Down?
Serve opportunities include allowing Newday to mingle for 15 minutes following the end of worship before beginning to stack chairs. Each stack of 9 chairs is wheeled into the storage room in the back of the sanctuary. Training provided.
How much time is involved?
Average serve time is less than 45 minutes with two people.
Who would I report to?
Those serving in God Squad Strike Down report to Colton Parton and Jorge Molina.
What is Hospitality?
Newday’s Hospitality Team helps create a welcoming and attractive environment on Saturday mornings
through the art of simple refreshments that include hot drinks and breakfast treats.
What would I do if I say yes to Hospitality?
Serve opportunities include set up, preparation, display, and clean up of refreshments. Training provided.
How much time is involved?
Average serve time is approximately two hours on a Saturday morning, 9:00 – 11:00 am.
Who would I report to?
Those serving in Hospitality report to Brenda Hunt.
Community Outreach Team
What is Community Outreach Team?
Newday’s Community Outreach Team ensures effective, efficient organization and execution of outreach events in our local community like Christmas Store, Free Farmer’s Market, ThankFULL. This team also explores new ways to meet needs in our local community.
What would I do if I say yes to the Community Outreach Team?
Serve opportunities includes preparing for, organizing, participating in, and evaluating the ongoing
effectiveness and ways to keep getting better at the above events. Training provided.
How much time is involved?
Time involvement is seasonal and varies per event.
Who would I report to?
Those serving on Newday’s Community Outreach Team report to Shawna Sajdak and Pastor Lisa.
Video Team
What is Newday’s Video Team?
Newday’s Video Team ensures a quality online worship experience for both live stream and on-demand viewing.
What would I do if I say yes to Newday’s Video Team?
Newday’s Video Team captures the worship experience on Saturday mornings by operating cameras. This team ensures the quality of the live stream experience and edits and uploads video content to YouTube for on-demand viewing. Training provided.
How much time is involved?
Average serve time on a Saturday morning is approximately two hours. 10:45 am – 12:45 pm
Who would I report to?
Those serving on Newday’s Video Team report to Kevin Strother.